You Must Become Your Own Best Friend

I’ve noticed that most of the human species are scared to be alone.

Even the ones that publicly say they don’t mind being by themselves You’ll notice aren’t always overjoyed with the idea of spending their birthday by themselves.

I’m sure that several people have made speeches, books, and poems about this, but it’s true. You must become your own best friend.

When you go through life there is always a possibility that you could loose everyone that you know and love. I know it sounds harsh but it’s true.

If you get married Your “other half” is of course important and you plan on being together till the end of your days, but that person cannot define you or tear you apart if you loose them. I must confess that I used to feel like people might think it strange if they saw me shopping, eating, or even taking a walk in the park alone, and they probably do, but who cares?

Why has it become where your only popular if your always hanging out with groups of friends and going to parties?

That person gets defined as the “popular one” or “the cool kid” but if you take those people away who are they then? I do not have anything against parties or having fun with family and friends but you should never let it get to where you only rely on them. what am I suggesting?

I suggest you take at least one day a month and spend the whole day with yourself.

I’m not saying you become a hermit or anything. I’m saying you should go do stuff YOU love. go see a movie! I’ve actually found it pretty fun to go to the theater by myself.

Have you ever gone shopping by yourself? Running errands doesn’t count. Go shopping when you don’t even need anything. OK I know this all might sound a bit lonely or strange but, Have you ever Played loud music alone in your car? singing loudly because there’s  nobody there to here your cracking voice or to see the funny faces you make when you sing? By the way if you have never done that I highly suggest you try it sometime (even you guys that are actually able to sound good when you sing) but for those you have, wasn’t that fun? Didn’t it feel like that just washed away the stress and worries of the day or prepare you for the upcoming stress of the day? Didn’t that feel amazing?

That right there is just a step towards Becoming your own best friend.